Heartbreak. Hope. Healing.

Isla Johnson is our firstborn. She was born January 14, 2013 with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a congenital heart defect that required intensive care and monitoring in Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, Texas for all but six days of her life. Isla endured being separated from us in the moments after birth, two major surgeries, countless tests, medications, tubes, pokes, prods, and procedures with an inspiring spirit, tenacity, and gentle humor. A journal of her time in the hospital is archived here.

She passed away just shy of five months old, in the afternoon of June 10, 2013, in her our arms at Children's Medical Center in Dallas. Her loss is mourned and her life is celebrated by her parents, grandparents, cousins, families, friends, and community. Watch a full video of some of our favorite moments with Isla here.

Isla continues to touch lives with her story, and with this site we hope to cherish and preserve her memory as our lives continue to grow and change. We pray for the opportunity to provide comfort to others who have loved and lost. Thank you for helping us keep her spirit in our lives forever.

With gratitude, love, and light,

Moira & Daniel, Isla’s parents

Having successfully ripped out her feeding tube, Isla takes an afternoon nap in the sun.

Having successfully ripped out her feeding tube, Isla takes an afternoon nap in the sun.

Some of our favorite moments