After everything she's been through, Isla is learning how to be a "normal" baby. This is her delighted at her own reflection during the week we were at the Ark House apartment. Try to keep a dry eye!

Big smiles goofin around on the 8th floor.

The day Isla got discharged from the hospital, it took forever. We were all packed up on the 8th floor and it felt like we sat around for hours, filling prescriptions, getting final check-ins from doctors and nurses, and waiting to sign ourselves out. We spent the morning packing all our stuff, which had accumulated in the weeks we stayed in her 8th floor room. You can see our four-week supply of Tolerex in the corner by my shoes. Isla was ready to go; fed, wide awake, and looking downright adorable in her poofy spring dress. Dan got his nervous energy out while she stared at him in...wonder? Admiration? Terror? We don't know exactly...but it was damn cute.

At two months old, we're still eagerly awaiting her first smile. She's got the skeptical frown down pat.


Isla jams to some Mozart the day before her Norwood procedure.

Isla's situation post Norwood surgery. Graphic images. The Heart team decided to leave her chest open in order to keep her swelling from damaging or complicating surgery further. There is a sterile Saran wrap over a mesh fiberglass weave. Her heart is visible underneath.


Isla’s gets the Led out.

The Purple Parrot.


Gammy reads to Isla on the 8th floor.

Our sweet pea hanging out on the 8th floor.


She can certainly work those smile muscles, but seems to have a preference for the hard glare.

Isla enjoys flowers in the springtime outside CMC at 3.5 months old.


Hiccups and butt bubbles. Thankfully, her digestive system works like a charm.

We can't tell if she's babbling or whimpering, but this is how Isla's been the past few days--ridiculously cute, but sort of restless and fussy. 4/1/13


At two days old, Isla takes a break from Matilda to have some full-body hiccups. 1/16/13.

Tour de Isla’s post-Norwood gadgets - Mo developed this to explain everything to family and friends. Once you get used to all the crap sticking out of her, it's not as scary. Excuse my ratty, unwashed hair 😀


Fun in her bouncy chair.

Isla's supreme cuteness, captured just three days before she passed.